As the number 13 means 'Group Magic,' it's successor means 'DEI-TY Provides.'
In this Hexagram we meet DEI in YE JINN, as life's "Divine Providence." Here
we are told that DEI has been attained, and WHAT WE NEED IS BEING PROVIDED
Hexagram 14, DEU, means 'God' in every sense of the word known to YE JINN;
here one has met the Fatherly Light and established a right relationship to
him; and out of this Union with our Maker we are blessed with a place in his
Kingdom. Thus, while we might be members of a Lodge or "coven" of Throngsmen
wielding great influence over the Gestalt of our world, here in DEU we have
DIRECT RELATING TO THE CREATOR HIMSELF; and from that relationship flows-out
to us a level of Providence that only the Fatherly Light could engender.
On a Yogic level, DEU represents the fourteenth year of our lives, when we
are completing a second cycle of Chakra-progressions.. in fact, the progre-
ssion of the Second or Sexual Chakra, during which our Libido surfaces for
us to recognize, wrestle-with and eventually turn into a right relationship
with our Eternal Beloved, the Creator.
Naturally enough, the symbol used by the JINN to explain all this is SUNLIGHT
shining in the sky.. and so it FEELS, to be 'claimed' by the Light which gave
us our natures for his own enjoyment as well as our own.