Unlike an 'unelightened' person, who "knows" things only with the "Logical/Analytical Mind" (the Left Lobe of the brain,) a Buddha (which means 'Enlightened One') "knows" things with their "Metaphysical/Intuitive Mind" (the Right Lobe of the Brain) as well. THAT makes Buddha laugh!.. for with both sides of the mind open and working, any Enlightened One can see things that make the whole Universe CLEAR AND UNDERSTANDABLE.
A Buddha is anybody who has both sides of the mind open and working, and who has spent enough time logically analyzing everything they have seen, and therefore KNOWS FULLY what it all 'means' and how to accurately relate with the Universe around (as well as WITHIN) them.
This Manual was written by such persons, who compiled the collective wisdoms of many, many other "Buddhas" before them, into a Logical/Analytical SCIENCE of how Metaphysical/Intuitive things fit-together with the physical Universe we live in. That Science is therefore called HOLISM (or Unified Knowledge;) and this Manual is one of several places you can find it. Holism may not solve all of the problems of the world overnight!, but it CAN and DOES "MAKE SENSE" OUT OF REALITY, and allows anyone who wishes, to KNOW (rather than merely 'think about') THE MEANING OF THEIR LIVES. Holism calls that "WISDOM." Wisdom may not make a Buddha six inches taller, prettier than anybody else or suddenly a Superman; but...
the Kuei-Shen Hsien, Ashby Massachusetts.
Published on electronic media in the United States of America.
Written by Khiron (Jerry C. Welch) the Kuei-Shen Hsien. Illustrations by Olwe. Digitally Mastered by Erik Stackhouse.
THIS IS A REFERENCE VOLUME on the Philosophy of Holism; and may be quoted, printed-out (but not for sale) or archived FOR PROFESSIONAL OR PERSONAL STUDY PURPOSES only. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any manner or embodied in the text of a larger work FOR SALE without the written permission of the Author/Publisher.