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Holism in human HEALTH

We do not normally go around thinking about our liver, toenails or earlobes! It is not until we experience pain or disfunctionality in an organ or limb that we pay it much mind at all. Being 'whole,' we enjoy our LIFE or wholeness itself, until injury, illness or other distresses make us acutely aware of one specific 'part' of our whole life. Unfortunately, we then seldom know how to restore our wholeness. We may go to a doctor or other therapist, and have our 'parts' worked-on to improve their functionality (and that sometimes is quite enough to get us along;) but just as often, we find that we are left wondering WHY disfunctionality occurred in the first place; and further distressed by having it implied that 'things like this just HAPPEN to us sometimes.' MEANINGFULNESS to both the disfunctionality and it's 'healing' are seldom addressed by health care professionals (often because they, too, simply DON'T KNOW of any meaning to it.)


Fortunately for us all, there is a SCIENCE OF HOLISTIC HEALTH which specializes in the 'meaningfulness' of human experience. Initially developed in Asia by such holistic practices as Yoga and Taoism, and in the mid east by Kaballah (the 'Hebrew Yoga') this science has found that EVERY BODILY CHANGE in a human being IS EXACTLY PARALLELED BY A PSYCHIC CHANGE AS WELL AS A SOCIOLOGICAL ONE. This fact has 'surprised' many in traditional western health care.. and for centuries, they attempted to deny or discredit the connection between 'objective' physical events and 'subjective' or psychic MEANINGFULNESS. It was during the last half of the 20th Century that this resistance to Holism began to give-way to real comprehension. In the 'organic fixation' discovered by Psychotherapists as well as 'psychosomatic illnesses' discovered by their Medical equivalents the working facts of a Body/Mind 'Interface' began to dawn on western clinical scientists. While still viewed by some traditionalists as 'questionable,' the Holistic Body/Mind Interface has made itself known and felt around the world.

To view the basic Schematic of the Body/Mind/Spirit Interface now, click-on the word 'Interface' below.


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Professional-Level Commentary For Practitioners

THE PHILOSOPHY OF HOLISM, though widely-publicized during the last decades of the 20th Century, remains something of a mystery to many even within the fields of Health care and Psychology. We will close this Introduction by quoting our wording of The Holistic Postulate, for those who wish a deeper understanding of what Holism really means.


'The condition of being 'unified' into a FUNCTIONING STRUCTURE is a trait of any 'whole' thing, which no 'part' of it can rightly claim by itself alone.

The 'whole' thus being greater than the sum of it's parts; any 'part' within it can know the totality around it only by FUNCTIONING IN UNITY with all other parts around it.. for it is UNITY ALONE which defines the 'whole.'


Any apparent 'dis-unity' within any whole thing is but a partial and incomplete view of the Whole.. UNLESS the Whole can be seen to be losing Functionality;

In which case, Functionality can be restored (if it CAN be restored) only by renewed UNITY between every 'part' involved.'

'Khiron' (Jerry C. Welch) the KUEI-SHEN HSIEN

The Maitreyan Order Of Hsien Tao, Ashby Massachusetts


While this Logical Postulate may initially seem either bewildering or overly 'complex' it is a very simple matter if you remember that it applies ONLY to Functioning Structures. Re-read it thinking about an automobile, for instance, and you will see that it is mechanically sound. Applied to the human body (which is unquestionably as functional a structure as an automobile) it remains valid. Other structures to which it can be applied include the human Mind, Family and Society in general.