Identified by Yoga as the "Root Chakra," this Aura-center is located just below the base of the spine, between the anus and sexual organs. The only one of the seven Chakras that is always active in all people, this center channels aura-energy into the Frontal and Spinal Meridians (see bottom of page) which form the basic "Survival Circuitry" of the body. The specialty of this Chakra is SURVIVAL in every sense of the word; health, wealth, instincts of self-defense and self-support. ANYTHING in life that seriously threatens our bodily or psychological survival may cause problems in the parts of the body nourished by the Root Chakra; the BASE OF THE SPINE, LEGS and FEET.
When one develops any indication of 'blockage' or stress to this Chakra (such as numbness, pain, injury or abnormal function to the base of the spine, legs or feet,) they should be helped to recognize that THEIR "SURVIVABILITY" IS BEING CHALLENGED, calling for a very thorough restructuring of their CAREER-GOALS, FINANCIAL PLANNING and/or ENTIRE WAY OF LIFE. In most cases this will be due to their not living according to their true Metaphysical Nature.. and all the counselor needs to do for them (aside from a referral to healers for the actual physical problems they may be experiencing) is to help them integrate the entire Metaphysical Level of Self, explained in that section of this Manual.