ASTROLOGY: The Science Of Patterns |
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Computations by Astrolog
Sun | 10° | Pisces |
Moon | 27° | Pisces |
Mercury | 26° | Pisces |
Venus | 10° | Aries |
Mars | 17° | Cancer |
Jupiter | 12° | Gemini |
Saturn | 20° | Pisces |
Uranus | 23° | Taurus |
Neptune | 28° | Pisces |
Pluto | 2° | Aquarius |
Chiron | 20° | Aries |
SUN: The physical body, ego-nature and daily activities; IN Pisces: Faith, magic & self-transformation;
SQUARES: In explosive tug-of-war with;
JUPITER: Wealth, opportunity and other blessings; IN Gemini: Goal-pursuit, business and ambitions;
Date/Time | Details |
Sat 3/1/2025 at 19:35 | VENUS: Love, ideals, culture & social contracts; IN Aries: Pioneering, invention and new beginnings; Goes Retrograde (Under review) |
Mon 3/3/2025 at 4:03 | MERCURY: Intellect, communication, travel and publishing; Moves From Pisces: Faith, magic & self-transformation; Into Aries: Pioneering, invention and new beginnings; |
03/3/2025 12:00 Aspect begins | SUN: The physical body, ego-nature and daily activities; IN Pisces: Faith, magic & self-transformation; TRINE: Automatically improves and benefits; MARS: Agression, competition, the struggle to succeed; IN Cancer: The home, genetic family, history and tradition; |
03/6/2025 22:00 Aspect ends | SUN: The physical body, ego-nature and daily activities; IN Pisces: Faith, magic & self-transformation; SQUARES: In explosive tug-of-war with; JUPITER: Wealth, opportunity and other blessings; Gemini: Goal-pursuit, business and ambitions; |
03/7/2025 16:00 Aspect begins | SUN: The physical body, ego-nature and daily activities; IN Pisces: Faith, magic & self-transformation; CONJUNCTS: Operates in beneficial partnership with; SATURN: Karmic obligations, work and duty; IN Pisces: Faith, magic & self-transformation; |
03/9/2025 1:00 Aspect begins | MARS: Agression, competition, the struggle to succeed; IN Cancer: The home, genetic family, history and tradition; SQUARES: In explosive tug-of-war with; CHIRON: The God-self; contacts with holism, spirituality & wisdom; IN Aries: Pioneering, invention and new beginnings; |
03/12/2025 18:00 Aspect ends | SUN: The physical body, ego-nature and daily activities; IN Pisces: Faith, magic & self-transformation; TRINE: Automatically improves and benefits; MARS: Agression, competition, the struggle to succeed; Cancer: The home, genetic family, history and tradition; |
Sat 3/15/2025 at 1:45 | MERCURY: Intellect, communication, travel and publishing; IN Aries: Pioneering, invention and new beginnings; Goes Retrograde (Under review) |
03/15/2025 15:00 Aspect begins | SUN: The physical body, ego-nature and daily activities; IN Pisces: Faith, magic & self-transformation; CONJUNCTS: Operates in beneficial partnership with; NEPTUNE: Inspiration, dreams and fantasies; IN Pisces: Faith, magic & self-transformation; |
03/16/2025 19:00 Aspect ends | SUN: The physical body, ego-nature and daily activities; IN Pisces: Faith, magic & self-transformation; CONJUNCTS: Operates in beneficial partnership with; SATURN: Karmic obligations, work and duty; Pisces: Faith, magic & self-transformation; |
03/18/2025 17:00 Aspect begins | MARS: Agression, competition, the struggle to succeed; IN Cancer: The home, genetic family, history and tradition; TRINE: Automatically improves and benefits; SATURN: Karmic obligations, work and duty; IN Pisces: Faith, magic & self-transformation; |
Thu 3/20/2025 at 4:01 | SUN: The physical body, ego-nature and daily activities; Moves From Pisces: Faith, magic & self-transformation; Into Aries: Pioneering, invention and new beginnings; Vernal Equinox |
03/20/2025 4:00 Aspect ends | SUN: The physical body, ego-nature and daily activities; IN Pisces: Faith, magic & self-transformation; CONJUNCTS: Operates in beneficial partnership with; NEPTUNE: Inspiration, dreams and fantasies; Pisces: Faith, magic & self-transformation; |
03/20/2025 6:00 Aspect begins | SUN: The physical body, ego-nature and daily activities; IN Aries: Pioneering, invention and new beginnings; CONJUNCTS: Operates in beneficial partnership with; NEPTUNE: Inspiration, dreams and fantasies; IN Pisces: Faith, magic & self-transformation; |
03/20/2025 9:00 Aspect begins | SUN: The physical body, ego-nature and daily activities; IN Aries: Pioneering, invention and new beginnings; CONJUNCTS: Operates in beneficial partnership with; VENUS: Love, ideals, culture & social contracts; IN Aries: Pioneering, invention and new beginnings; |
03/22/2025 18:00 Aspect begins | VENUS: Love, ideals, culture & social contracts; IN Aries: Pioneering, invention and new beginnings; CONJUNCTS: Operates in beneficial partnership with; NEPTUNE: Inspiration, dreams and fantasies; IN Pisces: Faith, magic & self-transformation; |
03/23/2025 22:00 Aspect ends | SUN: The physical body, ego-nature and daily activities; IN Aries: Pioneering, invention and new beginnings; CONJUNCTS: Operates in beneficial partnership with; NEPTUNE: Inspiration, dreams and fantasies; Pisces: Faith, magic & self-transformation; |
03/25/2025 7:00 Aspect ends | SUN: The physical body, ego-nature and daily activities; IN Aries: Pioneering, invention and new beginnings; CONJUNCTS: Operates in beneficial partnership with; VENUS: Love, ideals, culture & social contracts; Aries: Pioneering, invention and new beginnings; |
Thu 3/27/2025 at 3:40 | VENUS: Love, ideals, culture & social contracts; Moves From Aries: Pioneering, invention and new beginnings; Into Pisces: Faith, magic & self-transformation; |
03/27/2025 4:00 Aspect begins | VENUS: Love, ideals, culture & social contracts; IN Pisces: Faith, magic & self-transformation; CONJUNCTS: Operates in beneficial partnership with; NEPTUNE: Inspiration, dreams and fantasies; IN Pisces: Faith, magic & self-transformation; |
03/27/2025 3:00 Aspect ends | VENUS: Love, ideals, culture & social contracts; IN Aries: Pioneering, invention and new beginnings; CONJUNCTS: Operates in beneficial partnership with; NEPTUNE: Inspiration, dreams and fantasies; Pisces: Faith, magic & self-transformation; |
Sat 3/29/2025 at 21:17 | MERCURY: Intellect, communication, travel and publishing; Moves From Aries: Pioneering, invention and new beginnings; Into Pisces: Faith, magic & self-transformation; |
Sun 3/30/2025 at 6:59 | NEPTUNE: Inspiration, dreams and fantasies; Moves From Pisces: Faith, magic & self-transformation; Into Aries: Pioneering, invention and new beginnings; |
03/30/2025 7:00 Aspect begins | VENUS: Love, ideals, culture & social contracts; IN Pisces: Faith, magic & self-transformation; CONJUNCTS: Operates in beneficial partnership with; NEPTUNE: Inspiration, dreams and fantasies; IN Aries: Pioneering, invention and new beginnings; |
03/30/2025 6:00 Aspect ends | VENUS: Love, ideals, culture & social contracts; IN Pisces: Faith, magic & self-transformation; CONJUNCTS: Operates in beneficial partnership with; NEPTUNE: Inspiration, dreams and fantasies; Pisces: Faith, magic & self-transformation; |
03/31/2025 21:00 Aspect begins | VENUS: Love, ideals, culture & social contracts; IN Pisces: Faith, magic & self-transformation; CONJUNCTS: Operates in beneficial partnership with; SATURN: Karmic obligations, work and duty; IN Pisces: Faith, magic & self-transformation; |
Reality as a Whole is recognized by Metaphysical Philosophies as A SINGLE, VAST LIVING THING.. whose 'body' AND 'mind' operates through "organs" so huge and timeless that we little fellows living on this one speck of dust in outer space can only call them 'Cosmic Wonders.' We name them THE GALAXY, and within that OUR SOLAR SYSTEM.
Though considered nothing but 'dead matter' by most physical 'scientists' today, the Planets and other Bodies in Space are SEEN by Metaphysically-sighted people as LIVING CREATURES, each forming part of that larger Life called 'The Living Universe' or "Gestalt" (Great Spirit, in German.) Each of those Planetary "Beings" can appear to the Metaphysically-sighted as "a god." These have been named and studied in their movements for countless centuries.. and the science of studying them is called Planetary Astrology.
That "Personality" lent us by the Planets is called EGO., and (while it IS very natural and gets us through our early years ok,) it is NOT intended as permanent. As you study the Ego-Self identified by the Planetary Placements listed below (for which you will need your Natal Chart, to identify your Placements,) remember that this is only your "training-wheels!" The Greater Self is not HERE but in...
Called HELIOS ("the Bright One") by the Greeks, Ra by the Egyptians and Sol to modern science, the Sun bestows LIFE ITSELF on our Solar System.. for all living things "eat" sunshine in some form (photosynthesis in plants, for a start.) As the gravitic Center of our Solar System, HELIOS our Star is the symbol of all of our Daily Activities and "Life-styles;" look to his placement in your Birth Chart for a description of your IN-BORN EGO-IDENTITY.. for it was "loaned you" by HIM.
Mar 21 - Apr 20 LEO Jul 23 - Aug 23 SAGITTARIUS Nov 23 - Dec 22 |
Apr 20 - May 21 VIRGO Aug 23 - Sep 23 CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 21 |
May 21 - Jun 22 LIBRA Sep 23 - Oct 24 AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 20 |
Jun 22 - Jul 23 SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 23 PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 21 |
The "Father Of The Gods" of the ancient Greeks (called AMEN by the Egyptians,) URANUS is the symbol of the 'Primum Mobile' or God as Creator; and his placement in your birth chart shows what YOUR PART in his great Plan of Creation is. As the source of Societal Evolution, Uranus lends you your personal "view" of human society and what it NEEDS TO BECOME.. as well as the Urge to MAKE IT THAT WAY.
KETHER is the name of THE CROWN CHAKRA of Yoga, in Kaballah. Kether is ruled by Uranus.
PLUTON was the Greek name of the Lord of the Afterlife.. who either ushers us into the Fields of Blessedness OR "sentences" us to PAY-OFF ALL "WRONGS" done in our lives. He is thus the symbol of LIBERATION FROM SUFFERING, and rules both Death-and-Rebirth and Sexuality (for THAT too is part of Blessedness, to our species.) Look to his placement in your birth chart for clues to your own Liberation and what you are here to Liberate for the world.
The most recently-discovered member of our Star-System is tiny Chiron (often called a Planetoid or Meteor because he is so small.) Named for CHIRON the King of the Centaurs (half man/half horse) who was the wise Sage who advised even Zeus on Olympus, this planet points-out your relationship with HOLISM and SAGEHOOD.. your own God-Self, in other words.. by his placement in your birth chart.
Called POSEIDON by the Greeks, the Lord Of The Sea is traditionally associated with Dreams, Inspiration and VISIONS OF THINGS TO COME. Look to his placement in your birth chart for an understanding of YOUR OWN "GUIDING DREAM" in life, as well as what inspires and how you inspire OTHERS.
Named KRONOS in Greek, Saturn is The Lord Of Time.. who sets us each a LABOR to do, for which he is called The Taskmaster in Astrology. Look to his placement in your birth chart for a description of your LIFE'S WORK; the "karma" you cannot avoid, and the Skill you were born to perfect in life, the Task you given to do for all of time.
Called ZEUS by the Greeks, this is the Lord Of Heaven BY ANY OTHER NAME including 'Kristos.' As Lord Of Heaven, ZEUS "Blesses;" every Blessing in your life (from Wealth to Opportunity to Expand, and everything ELSE that gives you JOY) comes to you from your natal Jupiter-placement. Look here for how to be Blessed when you need it.
Named ATHENA by the Greeks, this Goddess Of Wisdom-Victorious rules LOVE (of every type EXCEPT the Erotic.. which is governed by the Moon.) Look to her placement in your birth chart for What, How and Why you LOVE WISELY. As the Patroness of Culture, Athena bestows the Arts, Music, Dance and other trappings of Civilization as she Wisely guides our hearts.
Called ARES by the Greeks, the Lord Of Battles rules all types of Warfare; from actual conflict with others to The Battle To Succeed at our careers, athletic skills and other "struggles." Look to his placement to find your own natural Field Of Struggle, and how to WIN at it. Naturally, your "temper" is his to shape!
Called HERMES by the Greeks and Thoth by the Egyptians, the wing-footed Messenger Of Heaven is the planetary symbol of THE MIND and it's proper uses. From Communication to Scientific Study, "hobbies" and your relationship (if any) to Publishing and the Media, MERCURY's placement in your birth chart points-out your way of Bearing The News.
Called both Aphrodite and Eros by the Greeks (for this looney companion of Earth is in fact BOTH genders at the same time,) the Moon governs DESIRE (especially SEXUAL desire,) FERTILITY and EMOTIONAL HAPPINESS. We simply cannot be HAPPY without the "arrows of Cupid" (Eros' Roman name) to keep us ENTHUSED about life. Look to the Moon's placement for your OWN Fertile PASSIONS.
Though it does not move through the horoscope but rather "anchors" it to our own physical location, the Earth truly IS part of your birth-chart.. giving you the PLACE you were born. Called GAIA by the Greeks, Earth is the symbol of Mother Nature. The horizons of her body gives shape to your birth-chart.
Though not a "planet" but the Eastern Horizon of Earth at the moment of your birth, the Ascendant is a VERY important placement.. for it depicts the "Destined Future" of the individual; the Career Specialty and way of life one is born to GROW INTO. Typically emerging in one's personality around the age of 21 to 30, the Ascendant reshapes in from the basic Sun-Sign "Ego" into a more "professional" Ego-form that occupies the middle part of our lives.
Look here for what you NEED TO BECOME, in order to fulfill your natural talents, instincts and drives to Evolve.
90 degrees straight UP from the Ascendant (at the very top-center of the horoscope) is the MIDHEAVEN.. which denotes your place in the Public Eye. Look here for those things (if any, for not everyone can be "famous!,") which will bring you Renown and public note. This can occur at any time in one's life, though usually such public recognitions occur when a planet (such as Jupiter) passes over this part of the natal chart.
Directly opposite the Ascendant on the Western Horizon is the placement which rules what you will "harvest" in life as you take-on the Ascendant's Lesson of Self-Remaking. Look here for the Reward you will get for all that EFFORT.
Directly opposite the chart from the Midheaven lies the NADIR, which is your most PRIVATE part of Life.. those things which you do NOT share with the rest of the world, and keep entirely to yourself as a private or "secret" treasury. Here are your hobbies, secret longings and most private emotions, shared only with those you trust COMPLETELY.
The "gods" just mentioned are displayed for our view (as the earth rotates daily) in a great "Circle-Dance" called "the Zodiac," which is composed of twelve divisions, originally named for whatever Constellation of Stars happened to be there when astrology was first being formulated. These divisions (or "rooms" of Heaven) are themselves Metaphysical POWERS just like the Planetary 'gods' (though these can only be FELT, not seen.) Not only the Planets but the Constellations themselves move through these "rooms" of the Zodiac as the ages pass, and Astrology long-ago learned that whichever "room" (or SIGN as they are called) a Planet is in identifies the type of "work" that "god" is doing.
Use the list of the Twelve Signs, below, to identify what the Planetary "gods" were up to when they made you 'happen;' that is your EGO and LIFE'S WORK. Furthermore, whatever they are up-to at any given moment determines the kind of experiences you will have at that time.
Meaning "the Ram", this is the Sign of PERSONAL AGGRESSION.. Forms of Arien activity include engineering, design, invention and pioneering. As the first Sign of the zodiac, Aries is the cosmic 'child' of Astrology; and can be found wherever youth, energy and the willingness to TRY SOMETHING NEW is needed. Strongly focused on THE SELF and it's needs, Aries relegates all decisions to PERSONAL PREFERENCE; if Aries wants it, Aries does it!
Called "the RAT" in Chinese Astrology, Aries is an Adventurer with a child's fresh attitude toward life.. though anything that tries to block the Arien Intentions soon learns why WAR is considered the specialty of the Sign! The RAM is quite happy to butt his head against ANY obstacles until he WINS; that is the style and temperment of this forceful and daring Sign. It should be noted that the Rat is one of the "hoarders" of the Chinese Zodiac; saving-up for a rainy day is part of their nature. Though free-handed with friends in need, Aries is very aware of Security.. and makes sure the old Rat Hole is both SAFE and WELL-STOCKED.
Meaning "the Bull," Taurus is the Sign of THE OX to both western and Chinese Astrology. Apparently the whole world agrees on one thing.. which is that the Ox Is STRONG (AND Stubborn!) "Bull-headed" is a well-worn term for Taureans, though it must also be said in their defense that this stubborn streak only comes out when they are defending their Private Pasture. Taureans have a long-accepted Way Of Doing Things; as long as that is respected, and you don't try to force them to do things they did not PLAN to do, they are genuinely placid, gentle and hard-working people. Try to force them in any way, and a head-down Charge is likely!
The special skill and interest of Taureans is WORK of the right kind; the Ox pulls the Plow, treads the grain and carries the produce to market; Taurus is intimately connected to Food Production as an industry, though anyplace where Strength and Stubborn Will are needed may likely have a few Taureans on the scene. Wildly FERTILE, the Ox is a natural Parent.. and tends to be an understanding and patient one at that.. though it is really Sex that the Ox sets-out after, they DO tend to accept the 'consequences' with placid serenity, afterwards. It is also a trait of this Sign that the Ox is deeply Philosophic in outlook; most Taureans have studied the ancient Philosophies well-enough to have a Fitting Quote for every occasion!
The Sign of Gemini is named for "THE TWINS," originally Castor and Pollux from Greek myth.. a pair of Wrestlers who could individually only be defeated by their own Twin! That BEGINS to explain this rather enigmatic Sign.. for all Geminis tend toward a Partnership arrangement in life, though ONLY with the "right" Partner (and even then, NEVER "peacefully!".. for Gemini simply MUST "Wrestle" with their Partner.) Perhaps the best way of getting a grasp on Gemini is to mention that it's name in Chinese Astrology is THE TIGER.. that huge, restless king of the jungle who spends it's time planning-out it's next Hunt while seeming to 'nap' in the shade. That is how it is with Gemini personalities; they are ALWAYS in two places at once.. one Physically, the OTHER in Spirit.
Gemini is the Sign of BUSINESS in general, and all Gemini natives are good at it. Instinctively competitive and goal-oriented, the Gemini Tiger-Twins specializes at planning and Strategy, and can be found wherever those skills are needed; politics, research-and-development, administration and sales all appeal to Geminian skills of Hunting The Prey. When well-fed and well-exercised by day, the Tiger enjoys purring to their Partner (once they have wrestled them into submission,) though even then, they will be planning-out Tomorrow's HUNT!
Meaning "the Crab," the word Cancer has gotten a bad name of late (a disease was named for it, which Cancerians did not ask-for OR deserve.) It was named "The Crab" because this is the Sign of THE HOME.. and crabs carry theirs on their own back! In China, Cancer is called "The RABBIT," another animal which loves and depends on having a safe Home to hide from predators in. In both case, however, the real Spirit of the Sign is WARM AND COZY FAMILY LIFE, embodied.. for that is what this Sign does BEST. "As prolific as Rabbits" is a popular way of describing the sex-life of this Sign; for Cancerians are VERY fond of EVERYTHING that goes on in the burrow (especially by night!)
Strongly associated with Literature (Cancerians LOVE books!,) this Sign is devoted to PRESERVING THE PAST for future generations to enjoy. Whether this is done through journalism, social services, the fine arts or some other Past-oriented career, the Rabbit-Crab personality will find SOME way to NURTURE, for that is it's most precious service to anyone or anything they Love.
Meaning "THE LION," Leo is the western Astrology Sign of The King Of Beasts, and that is all you need to know about a Leo; bow (at least a LITTLE) when you first encounter them every morning, pay them at least A LITTLE "Tribute" now and again, and try to imply "Yes, Your Majesty" in your tone of speech toward them.. and Leos will defend you as a Worthy Citizen and a person of Excellent Taste and Good Sense! Fail in your duty, and the Lion MAY Roar a few times at you.. but more likely, they will simply stalk proudly away and pay you no mind again. The King simply will NOT endure "lack of proper respect."
Those who wish to know the deeper side of Leo (and they DO have one!,) should know that this slinky, proud Sign is called "The Dragon" in Chinese Astrology; that huge, magical mythic creature who can lay waste to everything around it with a single breath, gathers up Jewels plundered from far and near to sleep on, and who is more than just a little bit vain. All of that would be merely amusing were it not for the fact that ONLY THE DRAGON CAN REALLY MAKE A NATION (or any OTHER gathering of people) "NOBLE" AND PROSPEROUS; for The Dragon truly IS a Monarch, and it's words can make one a Lord or Lady of the Court.
Leo the Dragon-King rules Public Relations, Advertizing, Theatre, Modeling and all other professions where The Right Example can make the world "obey" by merely POSING for the adoring masses.. for that is the way it IS with Lions and Dragons alike. In-between Royal Audiences, Leos must be careful of the rich foods, drink and other Extravagances they are prone to (and SOMEBODY ELSE had better handle the checkbook!, for Leo has no sense at all with money;) but those are not "faults".. merely the Way It IS when you are Royal.
Virgo means "the Virgin," and implies a form of purity most of us lose fairly early-on; maybe THAT is why they make us a bit self-conscious. Oh, one may absolutely KNOW FOR CERTAIN that a particular Virgo is no longer all THAT pure, but you will never be able to convince THEM of that; for Virgoans are PERMANENTLY 'pure,' and there is nothing anybody can do to sully them. Chinese Astrology calls Virgo "The Snake," not only because the Snake can crawl around in holes in the ground without ever getting dirty, but also because the Snake is a bit of a Hypnotist. Many small creatures simply "freeze" when the Snake looks at them; much the same way Virgoans can make YOU feel at bit 'on the spot' with their glance. No; they are NOT intending to eat you!.. only looking back at you with the simple purity-of-intent of A CHILD. That is after all what 'virgin' REALLY means; a youth still pure of heart.
Like the Snakes coiled around the Caduceus (or winged staff) of Mercury which is used as a symbol of Medicine (which Virgo rules) this Sign is expert at slithering-into secret parts of people, and emerging with the Truth about them. That is why Snakes have a special relationship with Healing the world over. Virgo specializes at Healthcare, Psychology and Sanitation as well as all of the Logical Sciences; for Virgoans are profoundly Analytical in their way of thought. Virgoan Logic is not a cold or calculating thing, but a warmly Human way of trying to UNDERSTAND and HELP everyone they meet. Perhaps that is the best summary of their Nature, in the end; Virgo HEALS.
Meaning "The Balance-Scales," Libra is the Sign of Harmonious Balance. While many other Signs can be happy with one-sided arrangements, Libra simply cannot ENDURE the idea of one side getting the better of the other. Perhaps that is why Libra is associated with Justice and all other Fair Trade professions which regulate and maintain Harmonious Balance in society. Called "The Horse" by Chinese Astrology, Librans truly ARE "Herd Animals," and simply MUST have a social Herd in order to be happy; left to themselves, a Libran will sink into despair and solitary sadness.. but a new Circle of Friends will brighten them up in an INSTANT.
The real clue to Libran psychology is ROLE-PLAY. Like the Horse, Librans have a strong need to "act-out" their feelings in a social setting.. and you will normally find them out dining, dancing, sipping a glassful decorously with other Nice Specimens as often as possible; for Libra takes JOY from the Social Role itself and simply MUST get into the Herd and Mingle. Naturally, Libra governs such professions as Diplomacy, Acting and all other Performance-Arts.. as well as Public Relations and Broadcasting. But BEWARE THE TIPPED SCALE! When Libra goes "out of Balance" or the Horse goes Mad from nervous tension (something Libra is prone to,) a VERY unhappy and UN-harmonious result can occur.. and you may wish you had never met this Lovely yet powerful Sign.
Scorpius is Latin for Scorpion, and anyone who lives in any of the world's great deserts know what THAT means: a nocturnal, secretive and potentially deadly thing that you do NOT want anywhere near you! On first contact, many Scorpios stir exactly those feelings.. but one more is also always there, which the scorpion does NOT have; Scorpio is the Sign of SEXUALITY as well as life-and-death-struggles. That may surprise you at first, but consider for a moment what sex really is; two people struggling to share personal pleasure, as a consequence of which a new Life may be conceived. So, even though Scorpio IS a bit frighteningly-intense, it also SEDUCES.. and few of us are immune to that 'sting!'
To better understand this Sign you should consider it's Chinese Astrology equivalent; The SHEEP, Ram or (as our Order prefers to name it,) THE UNICORN. All of those animals are summed-up in the Chinese word meaning "Great Horned One," and (since Chinese makes no distinction between Sheep and Goats) ANY Great Horned One is SCORPIO; the Sign of Aggression, Life-And-Death Struggle and SEXUAL PROWESS. But, of them all, the Unicorn is the only Great Horned One which ALSO implies the sort of 'holy purity' and Mystical Wisdom for which this Sign is famous. Scorpio is in fact the most misunderstood Sign of Astrology precisely because it IS a Sacred Mystery.
Scorpio governs all professions which struggle with Death for the benefit of the living; Surgery, the Military, Police, Fire Departments, Criminal Investigation, Funeral Services, Psychoanalysis and Spiritual Philosophy to name but a few.. though it is not so much the 'field' they are in as it is the Power they wield within it, that Scorpio specializes at. Look for them wherever Sacred Mysteries must be served, and where Death can be averted through heroic Struggle.. and then, once the sun has set, look ANY PLACE where sexual passions are being stirred to a fever pitch.
The Sign of "THE ARCHER" depicts Chiron, the King of the Centaurs.. taking aim with his bow and arrow; and if you know your Greek Mythology you know that Chiron was the wise SAGE who taught the Greeks their Sciences, Philosophy and Medical Arts.. though you may NOT know that he was also the co-ruler of Olympus along with Zeus. In fact, Zeus ruled "publicly" from the top of Olympus, while Chiron ruled "mystically" or in secret, from his cave hidden in the woods. That is a perfect picture of the Sagittarian native; seldom found in the limelight, yet ALWAYS relied-upon for their special skills performed alone in their hidden Library, Den or "lair."
The symbol from Chinese Astrology for this Sign is THE MONKEY; that cleverest of animals who symbolizes LEARNING BY MIMICRY.. the Sagittarian specialty. Very clever and inventive with their hands as well as their minds, Sagittarian Monkey-people excel at Education, Engineering and other hands-on trades, athletics and all other forms of Recreation (for the Monkey is irrepressibly PLAYFUL.) Often also found in advertizing, government and "special-interest groups," Sagittarius is the great 'Propagandist' of society.. and their skill at swaying people through their words is part of the "sage-hood" of their Sign.. though sincere belief in what they are doing and saying is ALWAYS there, or the Sage will have no part of it.
The Capricornus is a mythical creature who is half fish and half goat, and who pulls the chariot of Poseidon (Neptune) the Lord Of the Sea. To understand this strong, hardy and very Reliable creature, you need to understand what that means; Poseidon is the "god" of INSPIRATION (symbolized by the Sea and it's fishes,) so all Capricorns MUST (in order to be healthy and happy) serve SOMETHING Inspiring that they truly BELIEVE IN. Whether that be the Family, Government, Church, Philosophy or "the Social Good," Capricorns specialize at doing the WORK of getting Inspiration DELIVERED.
In Chinese Astrology, this is the Sign of THE ROOSTER (or Cock;) that rather pushy, forceful fellow who Crows every morning and tells us all that it is time to get Up and Busy. It is the Rooster's Job to Inspire us, and he does it EVERY DAY without fail.. and you and I had best not fail to OBEY! Capricorns are virtually ALWAYS connected with some form of Authority Structure.. for they deeply NEED to both Know what Matters and SERVE that as well.
Aquarius means "THE WATER-BEARER," and depicts someone pouring water onto the ground to help plants grow. Water is the 'essence of Life' and Aquarius specializes at pouring-out whatever is ESSENTIAL to the lives they touch; from a few well-chosen words of advice to LOTS of words of friendly encouragement, a shoulder-rub when needed or a few spare bucks for those down on their luck, Aquarius simply cannot HELP Helping Life Grow. The symbol in Chinese Astrology for Aquarius is THE DOG.. and every tree-trunk and fire hydrant on earth knows that the Dog Waters, too! But Man's Best Friend is far more famous for it's most familiar service; BEING THERE TO PAL AROUND WITH. In short, this is the Sign of FRIENDSHIP.
Like any good Dog, Aquarians are expert at Communicating; they instinctively sing along with every song they hear (Aquarians are innately musical and often quite brilliantly talented,) and they are prone to howl at the moon (especially if they feel a bit Lonely.. the only real "problem in life" ANY Aquarian ever has.) Friendship is the very Water of Life itself to this Sign; and plenty of friends and happy places to gather together for a good time is really all they value in life. That they are also brilliant thinkers with a natural skill at electronics, engineering, invention and other technical fields, merely makes the Watering-Dog that much MORE enjoyable to know.
Meaning "THE FISHES" in Latin, this is the Sign of those who live in The Sea (the symbol of Inspiration;) Pisceans are by birth Native to Inspired Thinking, and THAT is their Home. Chinese Astrology calls Pisces THE BOAR.. not because they are 'boring' but because (like the pig or boar itself) all Pisceans are capable of eating "garbage" and turning that into a set of healthy Hams; Pisceans are the natural 'Alchemists' of humankind.. taking-in all of the things the rest of humanity considers poisonous, and THRIVING on it. They do this not to prove themselves clever, but to BLESS OTHERS by removing bad things from the world.
Alchemy (the transformation of "base" or bad stuff into "noble" or healthy stuff,) is one way of wording the Piscean specialty; another word for it is MAGIC.. for all Pisceans have the ability to perform Magic for other people. That Magic is really a matter of FAITH.. for it takes the Faith of the Boar to restore the courage and healthy attitudes of those who have been injured or passed-by in life. This Spiritual Healing is so natural to the Piscean Magician that they may not realize how valuable they really are to society; the Sign is prone to depression, loss-of-hope and despair (symbolized by the western Astrology Sign.. one fish swimming UP to New Happiness, one swimming DOWN to despair.) All Piscean natives need someone to trust-in, who can help THEM with a little Magic of their own.
Naturally talented at Writing, Poetry, the Arts and other Inspirational fields (including Mystical Philosophy and Healing,) Pisceans are often found in the fields of Healthcare, Counseling, the Ministry and Mystical Orders.. though the only real requirement for them is that wherever they are, they MUST be able to help others overcome despair (so they TOO can survive the pull of their only real 'enemy,' loss of FAITH.)
Once you have come into being yourself, you too have a "little zodiac" all your own.. a twelve-room 'heaven' called The Horoscope (or Personal Chart.) This map of your PERSONAL Life is made up not of Signs but of "houses," through which the twelve Signs of the Zodiac AND all of the Planetary "gods" move. As a Sign or Planet enters one of the Houses of your Personal Horoscope, you yourself get "up to things;" this is how Astrology can 'predict' what types of personal interests and activities you will get into as the years go by.
Use the following House List to identify which part of your life each Sign and Planet was in at the time of your birth; this is your Natal "Ego-Identity" in full. Furthermore, whatever Planet moves into a given House of your Horoscope as the years go by, reflects the changes you will go through as you evolve your OWN "dance" within the "gods" greater ballet.
Eastern Horizon (the Ascendent) to 30 degrees Below horizon: your BODY, physical Activities and Ego-life.
30 to 60 degrees Below Eastern Horizon: Shared Resources; Partnership and Joint Ventures; MONEY.
60 to 90 degrees below Horizon (called the Nadir, directly under your feet:) COMMUNICATION, Business and other Transactions.
Nadir (directly under foot) to 60 degrees below West Horizon: The HOME-FRONT; genetic family, history, and the Home.
60 to 30 degrees under West Horizon: CREATIVITY; raising children or OTHER things you give 'birth' to; Innovation.
30 degrees below, to West Horizon (the Decendent:) your relationship with HEALING; illness, medical attention and Health careers.
Decendent (West Horizon) to 30 degrees into Western Sky: Marriages, Court Appearances, Contract Negotiations and other LEGAL matters.
30 to 60 degrees up the Western Sky: RELIEF; sex, inheritances, death-and-rebirth, recreation and OTHER forms of "going to one's Reward."
60 to 90 degrees West ("straight up" called the Midheaven:) "Learning By Mimicry;" Philosophy, Attitudes and 'Propaganda.'
Midheaven (straight UP) to 60 degrees of the Eastern Sky: Acclaim, Publicity, Leadership Roles and "being in the Limelight."
60 to 30 degrees above the Eastern Horizon: COMPANIONSHIP; group affiliations and other Friendship-based activities.
Ascendent (Eastern Horizon) to 30 degrees above it: the Unconscious and Superconscious Mind; your relationship with Spirit and Dreams.
Taken from "the First Wing" of I CHING, The Book Of Change, the following "standard definitions" apply to the specific degrees of ANY Sign of the zodiac:)
"KING:" the subject specializes in CONSCIOUSNESS-RAISING. Associated with the powers of a Sage, "King" exerts influence through Education of the masses.
"QUEEN:" the subject specializes in PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION; like the fertile Earth itself.
"CHURN:" the subject specializes in INITIAL EFFORTS requiring some problem-solving; like the sprouting of new leaves, or the stirring of a Churn.
"MANIC:" the subject specializes in YOUTHFUL EXUBERANCE which may seem 'manic' at times; but if a youth in sincere, there in no blame in their exuberant vitality.
"SOON:" the subject specializes in those changes which require some PATIENT WAITING; what has been made ready-for can only come in it's time.
"SUING:" the subject specializes in CONFLICT-RESOLUTION which may require some direct action to bring about.
"ESSAY:" the subject specializes in GROUP ACTION such as the Army or political organizations that "essay-forth" to bring social change.
"PEACE:" the subject specializes in HOLDING TOGETHER in peaceful unity and harmony.
"SMALL ZOO:" the subject specializes in the POWER OF THE SMALL; among the lesser folk where conflict with Ruling Powers must be kept from harming the humble and small.
"RIGHT:" the subject specializes in TREADING CAREFULLY so as to remain free of blame.. as in stepping (carefully!,) on the tail of a Tiger.
"TIE:" the subject specializes in ABSOLUTE EQUALITY with all persons in perfect accord.
"VIE:" the subject specializes in WRESTLING PROBLEMS TO A STANDSTILL to bring-about Peace. This DEADLOCK must be done carefully to prevent it from producing constant strife.
"THRONGSMEN:" the subject specializes in FELLOWSHIP WITH PEERS, such as membership in clans, clubs, unions and other alliances. Countryside settings benefit this greatly.
"DIVINE:" the subject specializes in HEAVEN-LIKE BENEVOLENCE. Heaven shines far, and all things stand-out brilliantly for those devoted to the Divine.
"KINDLY:" the subject specializes in MODEST KINDLINESS which all the world loves and honors. Even in a humble position, others will not strive against one who is truly humble and kind.
"JOY:" the subject specializes in ENTHUSIASM AND HARMONY. Spiritual sympathy with others leads to enthusiastic encouragement of all things, producing Joy.
"SWAY:" the subject specializes in FOLLOWINGS.. following others, and having followers oneself, such as might be seen in social activity, politics, faith, entertainment or anyplace where SWAY-ing others is essential.
"COUP:" the subject specializes in OVERTHROWING CORRUPTION. What has been corrupted by one may be set-right by another. Abuses of freedom are overcome by a Coup 'd Etat, such as a change in the regime which rules peoples lives.
"LINK:" the subject specializes in Approaching Others and LINKING-UP with them; which leads to collective improvements.
"ACCOUNT:" the subject specializes in Examining and Contemplating of people, places and things, to produce AN ACCURATE ACCOUNT OF THEM. This leads to positions of trust, when one's Account is looked-to by the people.
"CHEW-HOLD:" the subject specializes in GNAWING-THROUGH OBSTACLES, to achieve a desired result. With effort, success is certain., though some obstacles must be chewed-at with patience, to succeed.
"PREEN:" the subject specializes in ADDING GRACEFUL ADORNMENT and beautifying all things. Grace adds Joy and Peace to things, though it cannot itself create them. Thus, in small matters, creativity is aided by PREEN-ing.
"FOE:" the subject specializes in OPPOSING THINGS THAT ARE NOT FITTING to the peaceful state. This splitting-apart and making oneself a Foe must be done with care, keeping all Oppositions true to Justice; then such a Foe is useful indeed.
"FREE:" the subject specializes in LIBERATION. When a turning-point has been reached and problems are at last in retreat, we must RETURN TO FREEDOM. That is the meaning of Liberation.
"RUE WRONG:" the subject specializes in INNOCENCE. Innocence is always unexpected yet it is most natural. In serving innocence, what is most essential is that lack of virtue be set-aside. To "rue" or regret wrong-doing rights all wrongs and produces a return to Innocence.
"STATURE:" the subject specializes in GREATNESS, such as is passed-down from great sages of old, or such as the power and majesty of a noble spirit which leads others to strive toward STATURE themselves.
"NEEDS:" the subject specializes in PROVIDING NOURISHMENT. Like a cook who provides what is needed by others, the wise "cook-up" solutions for every Need around them. One must decide what NEEDS nourished and what will fill those NEEDS.
"GREAT COUP:" the subject specializes in OVERTHROWING WHAT IS POT-HEAVY and at the point of breaking from strain. some situations are like the beam holding up a roof too heavy for it to bear; there must be relief from such pressure, and only a GREAT COUP can overcome this.
"CANYON:" the subject specializes in negotiating a way through ROUGH TERRAIN and broken ground, where survival skills and adaptability are needed. Like one born in a deep Canyon filled with dangerous precipices, one must be careful of one's footing and rely upon one's wits.
"ALLY:" the subject specializes in CLINGING TO THE LIGHT. Like the heat and glow of a fire which "clings" to the burning log, the Ally cleaves to what is best in their company, and thus is a worthy ALLY to those around them.